If you are interested in this topic, you may at
first gather some experience with this practical Java-Applet from
by having your personal biorhythm
calculated. Simply input your date of birth and your present
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What is a biorhythm and what is it for? The
biorhythm forms part of a research field called chronobiology, which
relates to the science of rhythmical processes in plants, animals
and human beings.So far, however, proof thereof could not be
furnished scientifically. The science of the biorhythm deals
with the theory, that the human organism in its physical, intellectual and emotional constitution is subject to a strictly
periodical and slow oscillation in terms of time. Said oscillations
have the form of sine waves, which commonly start at the date of
birth. The three oscillations have different time lengths.
Days when you have no power or energy are
specifically associated with sensitiveness to changes in the weather
or an impending illness or other negative influences. Special
vitality and energy, good concentration abilities, sensitiveness and
creativity, in contrast, may be the result of a preceding event.
Perhaps, however, we have much less influence on our
well-being than we would expect. And exactly this is asserted by the
biorhythm, namely that the human being is subject to three rhythms
enforced on him.
The physical Rhythm lasts 23 days.
. Power, endurance, vitality - someone who has to
rely on his physical constitution during work or leisure time
particularly knows and feels his ups and downs during the physical
cycle.The ups are accompanied by special endurance, vitality and
energy.The downs are shown by fast fatigue, and even after minor
works you must have a break. In this case one should relax and
recover, if possible.
The emotional Rhythm lasts 28 days.
. Creativity, sensitiveness, the sensory
perception is intensified once said cycle has reached its peak.
Those who are exposed to interpersonal performances, e.g. teachers
or nurses, should try to pay most attention to this cycle.Optimism
and duty are subject to the ups. The day starts slowly, quietly,
positively and with a certain extent of creativity. Throwbacks and
changes can be processed much more easily.Questions for the meaning
of life, despair and depressions are part of the minimal phase in
the emotional cycle. Problems can now be coped with only with
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The intellectual Rhythm lasts 33 days.
Combinationtalent , The power of deduction,
intellect, logic, strategic thinking and the ability to learn are
features influenced by the intellectual rhythm.The present text
(i.e. new knowledge) should therefore best be dealt with during the
maximum of this cycle.The ability to concentrate lasts longer and
more easily. A difficult problem or a new field of knowledge should
be dealt with during said high phase.In times of depressions
mentally difficult tasks are particularly hard to cope with.
Someone, who is exposed to long phases of concentration during the
intellectual minimum, e.g. during driving, should have more breaks
and keep an eye on himself and on his constitution.
It is important to note that during all cycles the
transitional time is the most critical one. The change from strong
to weak, i.e. from the active to the passive phase, is the hardest.
It takes time to adjust oneself to reduced energy, sensitiveness or
reduced concentration. If someone does not realize this change may
overestimate himself, which may require a great deal of energy,
which then lacks during the down phase and is urgently needed. The
ups and downs are not positive and negative, not good and bad, they
are rather like Yin and Yang or like being awake and being
asleep.Important are , that in all cyclen the time of passage, the
important critical are. The transposition from strong to weak, from
activ to passiv Phase, this is very critical. This take some time to
react of the reduced energy, sensibility or concentration. If you
not observe the change, you maybe overrate you, which maybe cost
very energy, which you have not more in the downphase where you must
have it. The hihg- and lowphase are not positiv and negativ,
good and bad, they are near like Yin and Yang or better like weak up
and sleep.. |
This page was created from Rolf D.
Schenkel erstellt. Some text is from
Dr.Martin Rieth.
My biorhythm data of the time this site
was created where: physical: -39% up |
emotional: +69% up
| intellectual:
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